• As we approach the last month of summer, Cerulean is gearing up to launch the S500 multipurpose single-beam echosounder in August. The S500 uses a narrow beam-width about 5 degrees that focus the acoustic energy providing 100m [...]

    By Published On: July 17, 2020Categories: CHIRP, News, Sonar
  • Side scan sonar is a specialized sonar device for finding and identifying objects on the seafloor. Like other sonars, a side scan sonar broadcasts sound energy and interprets the return signal (echo) that reflects from [...]

    By Published On: November 4, 2019Categories: News, Side Scanning, SonarTags: , ,
  • Our first official happy customer receiving our newly release ROV Locator product On Oct 25th, our Cereulan Sonar team traveled to Torrence, California, to attend the second annual Blue Robotics Open House. The Blue Robotics ecosystem is [...]

    By Published On: November 1, 2019Categories: Company, NewsTags: , ,