• Omniscan 450 Imaging Sonar Basics Omniscan Product types Note: The OS450 FS and OS450 SS look different but share the same electronics. The OS450 SS has a slightly longer transducer area, which provides a longer [...]

    By Published On: April 4, 2024Categories: SonarTags: , , ,
  • As we approach the last month of summer, Cerulean is gearing up to launch the S500 multipurpose single-beam echosounder in August. The S500 uses a narrow beam-width about 5 degrees that focus the acoustic energy providing 100m [...]

    By Published On: July 17, 2020Categories: CHIRP, News, Sonar
  • Early in June, an underwater search by Titan Maritime near Mahone Bay Nova Scotia revealed massive quantities of lost or abandoned fishing gear wreckage. In the seabed, Titan Maritime found three kilometers of plastic fishing [...]

    By Published On: June 15, 2020Categories: Sonar
  • On this past Oct 25th at the second annual Blue Robotics Open House, we introduced the ROV Locator. The product was very well received! with attendees frequently reacting to the ROV Locator, and its $1995 price with disbelief. [...]

    By Published On: January 14, 2020Categories: Sonar, USBL
  • Testing has been completed using QGroundControl to communicate with our ROVL product. The Cerulean team has created a sample utility that enables the ROV's location to be displayed in the map view of QGroundControl. The [...]

    By Published On: November 27, 2019Categories: DVL, Sonar
  • CHIRP stands for "Compressed High-Intensity Radar Pulse." Instead of sending a single frequency like standard sonars, CHIRP pulses are a continuous sweep of frequencies extending from low to high (or high to low). CHIRP sonar [...]

    By Published On: November 16, 2019Categories: Side ScanningTags: ,
  • Our first official happy customer receiving our newly release ROV Locator product On Oct 25th, our Cereulan Sonar team traveled to Torrence, California, to attend the second annual Blue Robotics Open House. The Blue Robotics ecosystem is [...]

    By Published On: November 1, 2019Categories: Company, NewsTags: , ,
  • OVERVIEW The ROV Locator is designed for low-cost, medium accuracy localization of underwater objects. The system can be used to guide an ROV to an area of interest, either manually or autonomously. The system can [...]

    By Published On: October 9, 2019Categories: Sonar, USBLTags: ,
  • What is SONAR? The acronym SONAR stands for SOund NAvigation Ranging. A sonar device broadcasts pulses of sound waves through water. When these pulses encounter objects like fish, vegetation, or the bottom, they reflect back (backscatter) to the [...]

    By Published On: October 8, 2019Categories: SonarTags: ,