By Published On: January 14, 2020Categories: Sonar, USBLComments Off on Cerulean Sonar USBL ROV Locator goes into full production

On this past Oct 25th at the second annual Blue Robotics Open House, we introduced the ROV Locator. The product was very well received! with attendees frequently reacting to the ROV Locator, and its $1995 price with disbelief. An underwater positioning system for $1995? Yes, that’s right. 

And now, we are ready to announce that Cerulean Sonar has gone into full production with its underwater position system ROV Locator solution and prepared to take orders!

We are thrilled about the initial market reaction with customers around the world, purchasing and inquiring about the most cost-effective underwater position system solution on the market today!

Probably the most challenging part of operating an ROV or AUV is keeping track of its location. The solution is to fit an underwater positioning system, and the ROV Locator is the best answer and at an unprecedented price range.

With the absence of GPS availability underwater, Ultra Short Baseline (USBL) is a widely used tracking system for ROVs. The ROV Locator is designed for low-cost, medium accuracy localization of underwater objects. The ROV Locator comprises a pinger mounted on the ROV and a USBL receiver module on the surface. Sync them up at the start of the dive and track the ROV location in real-time using a QGroundControl map display.

Cerulean Sonar’s mission is to leverage the latest advances in microelectronics and digital signal processing to bring you sonar products that are Sensibly Priced! We are passionate about making ocean exploration more accessible, and we know that not everyone has the budget of the US Navy and the Big Oil companies. That’s why we do it.