• The ROV Locator Mk II brings the cost-effectiveness of underwater positioning solutions to a new level. With a 300m depth rating and no need to calibrate crystal oscillators or manually sync the distance between units at mission start-up, you can get up and running in no time.
  • Auto Syncing ROV Locator Mark II Reciever. Also sold as part of the ROV Locator Mark II Receiver.
  • Auto Syncing ROV Locator Mark II Transmitter. Also sold as part of the ROV Locator Mark II Bundle.
  • The Mark III ROV Locator takes the ease of use of a cost-effective underwater positioning solution to a new level. Using the interrogate/response model of a traditional USBL system, it dispenses with both distance sync at the start of the mission and period crystal calibration procedures. With the supplied topside CeruleanTracker software, you can get up and running in no time or use the open API to integrate the Mk III with your own software. The MK III has a 300m depth rating, and with no timebase drift, the system can remain submerged indefinitely without losing slant range accuracy.
  • ROV Locator Mark III Transceiver. Also sold as part of the ROV Locator Mark III Bundle.
  • ROV Locator Mark III Transponder. Also sold as part of the ROV Locator Mark III Bundle.
  • The S500 is a single beam echosounder designed for small ROVs, AUVs, and ASVs. The transducer and control electronics are unbundled to minimize external mechanical profile and maximize flexibility. The transducer (54mm diameter x 22mm) is rated to 300m depth, and the electronics module is housed inside the vehicle's pressure enclosure. A narrow beam width about 5 degrees focuses the acoustic energy providing 100m range and good angular definition. CHIRP technology also maximizes range and provides excellent range resolution.
  • Finally, an affordable multibeam echosounder! Bathymetric surveys with MBES technology can be more than ten times faster than surveys with single-beam echosounders. With its small size and low cost, the Surveyor 240-16 is a perfect fit for deployment on the new generation of small Uncrewed Surface Vessels (USVs). Deployed on a USV like the BlueBoat, Surveyor is ideal for surveys in very shallow waters, yet can handle surveys in depths to 50 meters and more.
  • Tracker 650

    Tracker 650 does only what you need a DVL to do, namely, to provide velocity information so that the vehicle control system can execute its advanced stabilization protocols like position hold and integrated position tracking. Rather than build in extra cost and complexity, Tracker 650 leverages the IMU in the vehicle as the central source of truth about attitude. This also simplifies setup as there is only one IMU to calibrate. Tracker 650 is perfect for integration by OEMs into their ROV platforms and Cerulean supplies all documentation and engineering support for these scenarios.
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